It's been a busy weekend for the Milman boys. Saturday Kevin and Joshua played at the park with Harrison and Greg Weber and then everyone came back for lunch. Of course there is no cooking going on here - what combo meal would you like from Chick-fil-a? After Joshua's nap, which was an amazing 2 hours and 50 minutes long, we met up with Tim and his parents at Monkey Joe's. The boys were running around like they were high on caffeine and sugar or something - it's amazing how much energy they have. Poor Jon and Kevin had to go through the obstacle course a few times with the kids and I think they were exhausted by the end of the day. We decided to brave it and head to Mellow Mushroom for dinner with the Wrights.
After a 15 minute wait, we were finally seated. Knowing that our time was limited we all quickly ordered. The boys were actually very well behaved. And Joshua tried a Ritz p'nut butter cracker. We were so excited. He's been up for trying new things lately... we're anxiously waiting for the day when he tries pizza, steak, veggies, fruit, etc and actually likes it! We finally headed home and Joshua slept very well after all his playtime with his friends.
Sunday is a busy day for us too. The boys were very busy this morning doing yardwork. Joshua was a big help to his Daddy as they cleaned up our front yard.

Joshua helping his Daddy dig up plants in the front yard

Putting the dead plants in the trash bag

Say "cheese"!
TT came over and she and Joshua went to Target and then to McDonalds for playtime and lunch. Joshua actually at a McDonald's nugget and a few fries before going on the playground. I'm so excited that he's eating chicken from other fast food places besides Zaxby's. I know, how many mothers would be excited that their kid ate Mickey Ds... hey, I'll take what I can get! Later today, some friends are coming over for dinner. They have a 1-year old so hopefully Joshua will be nice... this is good training for him since we'll have a little one come late April 2007.