Monday, April 30, 2007

Who is your mother?

I gave Luke his first bath the other day and his hair and coloring are sooooooooo light compared to Joshua. After I washed his hair, it was all spikey. It's more red than this picture shows, but you get the drift of how much lighter his coloring is than Joshua and me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Joshua and Baby Luke

The jury is still out on who little Luke Michael, also known as Luke the Duke, looks like. He seems to have the same nose and mouth as Joshua, but his eye are completely different and we're not sure whose eyes he has.... maybe his own! Here is a picture of Luke (on the left) and Joshua (on the right) in the same outfit at around the same age.

When Joshua gets home from school, the first thing he does is checks and sees where his baby brother is. Here is a picture of him checking out the Duke.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Joshua's 3rd Lesson

Off to class

Getting ready to jump in

The slide is his favorite

He's not holding on for dear life - progress has been made!

Joshua and his buddy, Jack, from school are in the same swim class -- having fun high fiving

Luke Michael

Sleeping... wish he'd do more of that at night!

Going for a walk in the n'hood

His eyes are open and he's alert for once!

The boys are all exhausted!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Having Fun!

Joshua attended one of his friend's birthday parties last weekend. After playing, the kids sat down for pizza and cupcakes. And to my surprise, he actually ate a little bit of pizza. Yeah, progress!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Daddy's Boy

The boys reading last night before going upstairs to begin Joshua's bedtime routine.

Joshua is definitely a Daddy’s boy right now. One of his favorite sayings is, “we boys Daddy.” And he’s not meaning we are boys as in we are boys and Mommy is a girl, he means we boys as in we are tight. We are all counting the days until the baby arrives and we are anxiously awaiting his arrival on April 19.