Sunday, June 27, 2010

Annual Beach Trip - San Destin, Florida

Hollis and Joshua paling out at the beach.

I think they are looking for seashells... little did they know they next day they'd find tarballs!

The three amigos!

I think the kids could have stayed in the pool 8 hours straight if we'd let them!

By the end of the first day, Luke was swimming the length by himself (backpack still but no longer needing one of us in the water with him), jumping in all by himself, and having a grand time.

Dolphin Cruise

Family Time at the Beach

No Luke, don't eat the sand!

Daddy and Joshua taking a stroll.
While I'd like to say that Kevin's seems very happy in the picture w/ me above, I think his smile here shows how much he truly enjoyed spending time w/ the kids at the beach.

Beach as the sun sets

Whatcha looking at Lukey???

Well someone sure does think something is FUNNY!

Having a good time at the beach when it's not so hot.

My annual close-up of Hollis
The kids sure did have a good time.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Luke in action

Kevin and his mini-me, or should I say Luke and his big-me!

Luke and his buddies Brody and Caleb (aka "Chocolate") celebrating Cassidy's birthday.

Luke running to get some cake - he L-O-V-E-S cake!
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A few pictures of Joshua

Joshua and Daddy playing hoops.

Joshua played senior, "Mr. George" in his first play. He did an excellent job - remembered all of his lines, and said them at the right time.

Getting his GW face on!
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Rising First Grader

Joshua "graduated" from Kindergarten, and is officially going to the first grade in August. He can read, add, subtract among other Kindergarten skills, and especially excels in anything to do with money. He's matured a lot over the school year, and he's such an awesome kid.
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Luke's spring school picture. He's always smiling (as long as he's getting his way). Kerri named him smoochie b/c he gives the best kisses, and loves to give them. The nickname stuck, and he's no called Lukey or Smoochie!
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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter 2010

What a wonderful Easter weekend! Today we celebrated Easter by taking the kids to Easter service, and then to lunch. While the boys napped, I cooked dinner to celebrate both Easter and Stephanie's birthday. A lovely, and fun evening!

The boys dyed eggs the night before Easter. It was quite the production. Luke enjoyed squeezing them more than coloring them.

Brotherly love!

The Easter Bunny's gifts for the boys.

Right before we left for Easter service.
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Roger carving the cajun blackened turkey, Stephanie assisting, and Scott reading the directions for the ant house.

TT, Joshua and me getting our Easter hug on!

Stephanie was the Easter egg hunt winner, fitting since she was the birthday girl! Her prize - a Dove chocolate rabbit.
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Luke watching his movie the Easter Bunny brought - and also guarding his Toy Story bat and ball from TT, squishy balls and Easter basket.

Joshua doing his science experiment TT gave him.

Joshua telling Kevin, "just a minute Dad."

Luke getting his Easter jump on!
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Just another Saturday

It's always something at the Milman house. Luke perforated his ear drum Thursday night, so off to the ENT we went on Friday. Luckily, all is well: his drum already closed and his hearing is still normal. We're hopeful that he'll stay ear infection free for a while so he won't have to get another set of tubes. Luke's fro is gone: we had his hair buzzed last night. Luke said, "no more crazy hair Mommy." Joshua had his second game this afternoon. He hit a single and tipped twice the other two times at bat. He was a complete stud, and even more importantly, he had a ton of fun. And Luke did too digging in the dirt and eating candy from the concession stand.

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