Monday, May 24, 2010

Luke in action

Kevin and his mini-me, or should I say Luke and his big-me!

Luke and his buddies Brody and Caleb (aka "Chocolate") celebrating Cassidy's birthday.

Luke running to get some cake - he L-O-V-E-S cake!
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A few pictures of Joshua

Joshua and Daddy playing hoops.

Joshua played senior, "Mr. George" in his first play. He did an excellent job - remembered all of his lines, and said them at the right time.

Getting his GW face on!
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Rising First Grader

Joshua "graduated" from Kindergarten, and is officially going to the first grade in August. He can read, add, subtract among other Kindergarten skills, and especially excels in anything to do with money. He's matured a lot over the school year, and he's such an awesome kid.
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Luke's spring school picture. He's always smiling (as long as he's getting his way). Kerri named him smoochie b/c he gives the best kisses, and loves to give them. The nickname stuck, and he's no called Lukey or Smoochie!
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