Monday, March 27, 2006

It's Cuddle Time!

He Does Eat!

Who has the pickiest eater? Unfortunately, we do. Joshua is the WORST eater right now. He’ll eat dried fruit from Gerber, goldfish, cereal bars, crackers, cookies, Lucky Charms and Cheerios, yogurt and Zaxby’s chicken fingers. We rely on strawberry yogurt and Zaxby’s chicken fingers quite often, like at least 3x a week! Two staples we can always count on and here he is enjoying them.

The Grandparents Were in Town

Mom and Jim came up for a visit this weekend. It was Jim’s birthday and we went out to dinner to celebrate. We had to make a pit stop at the urgent care center as the b-day boy had a severe outer earache. After he received his meds, we went to Aspen’s where the dinner was delicious. Jaime’s meat was, “rough” but the rest of us had no complaints and especially enjoyed our desserts. Oh and the jalapeƱo and bacon cream corn was good too… oh and Jaime and Kevin said the escargot stuffed mushrooms were fabulous too… Here is a picture of the birthday boy, Jim, and my Mom.

In typical grandparent fashion, Joshua was spoiled this weekend. Here he is with his new vacuum, which he loves to use. Too bad it doesn't actually work!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

This is worse than when he was a newborn!

Why on earth won't he just go back to sleep. We're looking at 6 nights of little sleep. First it was the pressure of Joshua's sinus cavity, congestion and a fever of 102 - 103. Now it appears that he rather enjoys getting up in the middle of the night to watch the Sprout channel in our bed. While he slept until 11:30 PM last night (that's great considering the past 5 nights he was getting up at 8:30 - 9:30 PM for his first round of manipulating Mom and Dad), he proceeded to want to "play" and didn't fall asleep (in our bed) until 2:00 AM which is when I moved him to his crib. It's no wonder this kid is always sick. The combo of daycare and lack of sleep is one vicious cycle. Tonight -- please let it be the night that he sleeps through the night again -- PLEASE!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

A Great Read

One of the best books ever. Kevin and I read this while we were on vacation in Puerto Rico.

Joshua gets a new style!

"How you doin'?"
Dad and I reading w/ my new do
After my bath, I decided to give myself a new do. What do you think?

Hanging at the Zoo!

We went to the zoo this weekend and I love pandas and tigers!

I couldn't ride the big elephant, so I decided I'd give this one a try.

Faster the better!

I wanted to climb the fence, but Mom and Dad were having a hissy fit!