Why on earth won't he just go back to sleep. We're looking at 6 nights of little sleep. First it was the pressure of Joshua's sinus cavity, congestion and a fever of 102 - 103. Now it appears that he rather enjoys getting up in the middle of the night to watch the Sprout channel in our bed. While he slept until 11:30 PM last night (that's great considering the past 5 nights he was getting up at 8:30 - 9:30 PM for his first round of manipulating Mom and Dad), he proceeded to want to "play" and didn't fall asleep (in our bed) until 2:00 AM which is when I moved him to his crib. It's no wonder this kid is always sick. The combo of daycare and lack of sleep is one vicious cycle. Tonight -- please let it be the night that he sleeps through the night again -- PLEASE!!