TT joined us for a trip to the pool on Sunday. I don't think she realized that when you go to the pool with Joshua there is no relaxing. By the end of our hour stay, Joshua warmed up to the idea of being in the cold pool and in typical Joshua fashion decided that he wanted to play and splash in the big pool despite almost being dunked by TT. He was eyeing the slide towards the end of the day, thank goodness he didn't throw a fit to go down it. All of us were exhausted after chasing Joshua around the pool and making sure he didn't jump into the water and from going up and down and sitting in different places around the pool steps a gazillion times. His new thing is to boss you around and tell you where to sit and when to get "out, out" of the pool.
Joshua pondering whether or not he's going to get into the baby pool.Joshua on his way out after playing at the pool. Joshua looking like one cool tot!