Thursday, June 15, 2006

Family Time

What an eventful weekend we had! My family from the West was in town last weekend and Harris was in town for a wedding but fortunately for us he was able to spend most of his Saturday visiting with us. The boys had a great time playing with the hose, playdough and all of the toys in Joshua's playroom.

The Milman Men - Uncle Harris, Joshua and Daddy

This is the second time Dad and G-ma May have seen Joshua and the last time was December 2004 so he's certainly changed since their last visit. In typical Joshua fashion, he was a ham and thoroughly enjoyed all the attention.
Joshua with his new shark mug. Notice the little smirk on his face.
He's trying to put his foot on the table - something he knows he's not supposed to do but is showing off for his Great G-ma May and Aunt Janis.
We went to dinner on Sunday night to celebrate since my Dad's b-day was at the end of May and Father's Day is this weekend. The food was delicious, except the Ceasar salad which was soaked in dressing.

Me, Dad, Janis, Jaime Kevin and Grandma May posing after a huge meal. The waiter that took the picture was trying to flirt with Jaime but she wasn't having any of it that night.


"Snug a Hug"