Saturday, July 22, 2006

Water Park

Joshua's school has its very own water park in the back of the facility. Thursday night was family night and Kevin, TT and I went to watch Joshua in action. The kids had a blast and so did we as we chowed down on hamburgers and watched Joshua and Tim play and splash in the water park (it's really a slide, some water squirt things and a fort like thing - but the kids love it).

Joshua dragging Tim to go find buckets.

Hilarious - Dads in work clothes while the boys play and get them wet!

Boys and another big kid taking turns filling their buckets up w/ water.

Joshua getting ready to throw water on TT and me.

Joshua checking out how much water Tim has left.

Boys throwing water.

Getting ready to go down the slide...

Wee... here he goes! This amazes us because a few months ago Joshua would have never done anything where he would get water in his face and now he goes down this slide all the time. Thank goodness he's not afraid of water splashing him in the face anymore.

Joshua sheilding himself from the downpour of water!

What a fun night! Even TT had a good time despite being bit by bugs and almost breaking her ankle when she attempted to walk through a bed of rocks in 3+ inch high heels. Kevin didn't even ruin his work clothes while playing w/ the kids and chasing them throughout the park - impressive.

Next weekend we celebrate Joshua's birthday party w/ about a dozen toddlers. Wish us luck!