Kevin returned from Las Vegas last night and while he didn't win any money, he had a good time. Lots of drinks, good food, sports books and black jack dominatead his agenda for both days. He got the hook up at the Belagio, which made it an even nicer trip. Jaime came over and kept Joshua and I company Saturday and Sunday. We had quite an eventful weekend. I think Joshua wore her out and she had to go home and take a nap on Sunday. I'm so thankful that she lives here now. Not only is she helpful, but she's our bud and it's nice to have family and your best friend so close by.
Joshua's officially in the big boy bed now. It was much easier than we thought. When we have our new carpet installed the first week of February, we'll move the crib into the baby's room. Once the crib is in there and the new carpet is installed, we'll be able to complete the baby's nursery. He'll use all of Joshua's bedding, crib, glider and changing table but he'll get a few of his own decorations too. Once we know his name, which won't be until he is born b/c we need to make sure he's a "x" just as we did with Joshua. Can you imagine if we named Joshua Aiden, Nathan, Jacob or Shane which we were considering at one point? Top names are Jacob Matthew and Luke for this baby. We're looking forward to the new arrival. He'll be here before we know it!
My parents are coming in town this weekend to visit w/ us, well Joshua - ha! They are also going to check out a preconstruction condo and are thinking about buying a place up here. We hope that they do! When they retire, they'll spend most of their time between their Novia Scotia pad and here -- we hope.