Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just Another Thursday After School and Work

Since the time change, we have much more light in the evening and we can actually play outside before and after dinner. While Fall is my favorite time of the year, I have to admit that I enjoy having more daylight to play with the kids. They both love the outdoors... Kevin too. Tonight's activities included playing with both the bouncy ball and Joshua's soccer ball. And despite my protests since both boys just ate, Kevin swung the boys round and round and round. Luckily, no one barfed and the only person that got dizzy was Kevin.

In case you are wondering if Luke Michael has packed on some lbs, I think you are right. The little one is packing away table food now and I think he's starting to finally get some baby fat on him although he's not nearly as chubby as Joshua was at this age. I think it's because Joshua LOVED his formula and the whole milk. Luke will start on whole milk in less than 2 weeks. Wow, time flies. I can't believe our baby is going to be one. It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home. Who would of thought that Kevin and I would have two little boys! What fabulous boys they are!

Below are a couple pictures of the boys clowning around. We're so glad that everybody is currently flu/adenovirus (sp) free... for now. Kevin is the only one who appears to have beaten both of them!

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Team England

Joshua and Harrison had their first soccer practice and game this past weekend and their coaches were Coach Greg and Coach Kevin. All of them, including the coaches, did a great job. Teaching and coaching 11 three year and four year olds and trying to instruct them while their parents were by their side wasn't easy. Coaches Greg and Kevin did a fabulous job! Despite being under the weather, Joshua seemed to have fun and Harrison certainly enjoyed the outing.
Highlights from the game:
Father overheard saying, "...look at the size of that kid what is he like 7?"
Teammate overhead saying, "I don't want to play... My mom makes me though."
Kevin trying to encourage subs to go in and a teammate responding, "I don't like soccer, I don't like to run."
Teammate overheard saying, "Hey my ball is good to sit on."

And what's up w/ snack time. Kerri and I are new to organized sports for preschoolers, but apparently snacks and drinks are a big deal after a game. Coach Greg stepped up and assigned drinks and snacks to various team members for the season. Hopefully his effort will appease some of the "soccer moms" who were obviously disappointed that there wasn't a gigantic cooler filled to the rim with juice boxes and all sorts of yummy snacks, "sorry." Next Saturday, snacks and drinks will be covered. Team England will take the field again, same place and same time - all opposing teams better watch out!
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Game Time - Go Team England!

Harrison in action

Harrison and Joshua chasing after the ball

Team England just scored - Rock on Dudes!

Okay, so yeah Joshua is the littlest one out there... and what's up w/ the 7-year old ringers on Team Argentina
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Joshua learning and participating in more drills

Chasing, I mean walking after his ball

"What? You looking at me?"

In Joshua's defense, he was not 100% at his first ever soccer practice and game. Poor little guy has been plagued w/ the flu...
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Joshua's First Soccer Practice and Game

Learning ball control from Coach Daddy, I mean Kevin

Retreiving his ball after practicing a goal

Coach Kevin teaching the boys dribbling techniques

Coach Greg teaching Harrison, Joshua and their fellow teammate a few moves
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Joshua Not Feeling So Hot!

Poor Joshua, he's been having a bout w/ the flu... we think. Here he is feeling okay and then worn out and ready to rest shortly after.
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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Joshua Chillin'

We were over at the Wright's a couple of weekends ago and Joshua took Tim's 4-wheeler for a spin. He makes me nervous when he drives this as his driving skills resemble mine more than his Dad's.
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I think Luke might be hungry...

This weekend Luke and I paled out while Kevin and Joshua went to watch the Phillies Spring training in Clearwater. I wasn't much of a playmate though since I came down w/ the flu. We survived though and I'm feeling a million times better today.
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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Happy 11 Months Luke Michael

He's not shy!
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Joshua enjoying his cupcake

We wished Luke a happy b-day this AM, he's 11 months old, and Joshua said when is the party and where is Luke's cake. We explained to him that we only celebrate yearly b-days, but we'd have a cupcake after dinner if the boys behaved. Well, they did and both boys really enjoyed their cupcakes.
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Sunday, March 02, 2008

Joshua's First Soccer Lesson

It was a beautiful day and we spent most of the afternoon outdoors. Joshua made friends w/ the boys who live behind us. While the boys are a lot older, 8 and 10, they were very nice to Joshua and actually let him play with them. It was such a cute thing to see and I got such a kick out of Joshua playing with the big boys. Joshua invited them over to his backyard across the fence yelling, "hey I got a soccer goal do you want to play?" Meanwhile, the older boys had one too. But they hopped the fence and came on over anyway and humored Joshua. They even gave him some lessons on how to be a goalie and a striker. The older boy kept asking Joshua what position he wanted to play, and Joshua responded, "soccor." Finally the younger brother said, "I don't think he's old enough to get all the positions."
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Give me your hat now Daddy!

What Luke Michael wants, Luke Michael gets... especially when he was super sick the day before. He's got his Daddy wrapped around his finger, just like his older brother! Glad to see you're feeling better buddy!
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Poor Little Luke Michael

What a scare Luke gave us this weekend! He started running a fever on Friday night and had a full blown, raging fever on Saturday. I had to take him to the pediatrician and they think it was either the Adenovirus or the flu. Either way, he was miserable. He set an all time high temperature for the Milman boys clocking in an impressive 104.4. With that being said, he woke up fever free although he's a little warm this afternoon, but nothing too scary. His mood is better too so he's definitely feeling better and should be back to his normal, happy self soon. If you look closely, you can see his chapped lips and his eyes are still glassy. Poor little guy!

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