Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Team England

Joshua and Harrison had their first soccer practice and game this past weekend and their coaches were Coach Greg and Coach Kevin. All of them, including the coaches, did a great job. Teaching and coaching 11 three year and four year olds and trying to instruct them while their parents were by their side wasn't easy. Coaches Greg and Kevin did a fabulous job! Despite being under the weather, Joshua seemed to have fun and Harrison certainly enjoyed the outing.
Highlights from the game:
Father overheard saying, "...look at the size of that kid what is he like 7?"
Teammate overhead saying, "I don't want to play... My mom makes me though."
Kevin trying to encourage subs to go in and a teammate responding, "I don't like soccer, I don't like to run."
Teammate overheard saying, "Hey my ball is good to sit on."

And what's up w/ snack time. Kerri and I are new to organized sports for preschoolers, but apparently snacks and drinks are a big deal after a game. Coach Greg stepped up and assigned drinks and snacks to various team members for the season. Hopefully his effort will appease some of the "soccer moms" who were obviously disappointed that there wasn't a gigantic cooler filled to the rim with juice boxes and all sorts of yummy snacks, "sorry." Next Saturday, snacks and drinks will be covered. Team England will take the field again, same place and same time - all opposing teams better watch out!
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