Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

People always ask me, "can you believe it's been a year already?" Um, actually yes I can. Sometimes it seems like yesterday Luke joined our family, and then other times it seems like he should be turning ten and not one! I'm thankful everyday that we decided to have another baby. This little guy brings so much joy to all of us and truly makes our family complete. Watching Joshua interact with Luke is not only a lot of fun, it's.... I'm having hard time describing it - rewarding isn't the right word, maybe it's proud or something like that... He's an amazing good brother and has really taken to Luke. The "j" factor seems to be winding down some, and he's been really good about sharing with Luke. The other night these guys were wrestling and Joshua was so gentle with Luke and totally tolerated Luke grabbing his face and pulling on his hair and ears. We were all laughing so hard that we had tears in our eyes. I finally busted out my video camera, so hopefully I'll capture than on video next time they play with each other like that.

Happy Birthday Luke Michael
1-year old
Snapshots of Luke's first year...
Week 1 in the NICU

Around 2 months

3 months, going on 4

A few days short of 6 months

8 months, almost 9

10 months going on 11

And for fun....

Joshua when he turned 1