Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas - 2007

This is a picture of the tree before the tsunami, I mean Joshua, hit. The blue presents are from Santa to Joshua and the green are for Luke and then there are some from our family too. All four of us must have been really good this year b/c we all received super cool and useful gifts. From a Fudge and See's candy, Hermes tie, gift certificate to the Braves, and toys for the boys to a much needed black sweater, matching outfits for the boys and beautiful jewelry - the Milmans did well this year. More importantly though, we spent a lot of time with family and that's what the holidays are all about, okay Jesus too. Speaking of Jesus, Joshua went "shopping" for us while we were at the Christmas program at the Wright's church some time ago. They had teens helping the kids pick out gifts for their parents and even wrapped them for the little kids. Well, Joshua bought me a sliver charm bracelett with bibles, churches, crosses, etc on it. I have my very own churchy bracelett now. Ellen got the biggest kick out of this as I did too! Is someone trying to send me a sign or something....
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Joshua's 3rd Christmas

Joshua was definitely into gift opening this year and it really didn't matter who the gifts were for. He would say, "I help you smear it baby Luke," when he'd open Luke's presents for him. He's such a good big brother. Man, we are so proud of this little guy. It seems like in the past month or two he's really turned the corner and seems to be listening a lot better, and overall behaving better. Whew! Merry Christmas J-man. You certainly deserved the truck load of presents all your friends, family and Santa gave you!
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Luke's First Christmas

Uh-oh, Luke is like GG and his mama! He can't wait to get to his presents and gets pissed if anyone has more than him - ha ha!
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Leftovers - Yummy, Yummy

I think Kevin's favorite part of Christmas day was eating leftovers from last night. I'm glad someone ate them!
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Off to Aunt Pammy's We Go!

As usual, I can't seem to get everyone to smile and have their eyes open at the same time. Oh well, I tried. The boys had on their adorable matching shirts and vests from Grandma Sue Anne and Grandpa Jim and Kevin was wearing his new sweater from GG and Great Gramps. We went to Aunt Pammy's for Christmas dinner tonight where we had the most delicious beef tenderloin, stuffed mushrooms and salad. LA, boy Jamie, Jack, and MJ were there too. It was nice to celebrate Christmas with family. The boys behaved fairly well although little Luke Michael was exhausted. We arrived home safely, and the boys are tucked in bed and fast asleep. We can't wait until we are too! We had a memorable Christmas this year with both our boys. We really enjoyed seeing Joshua get into the holiday spirit and we can't wait until next year!! Merry Christmas everyone! Love the Milmans
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Christmas Eve w/ Friends and Family

Kevin and I hosted our first Christmas Eve dinner. Stephanie, Roger, Jaime, Greg, Pam, boy Jamie, LA, Kelsey and Colton joined us for dinner, drinks, gift opening and just a plain ol' good time. I cooked - scary! Everything turned out really good and I actually surprised myself. The cornbread stuffing was a big hit. Kevin, Greg and Roger may have had too much Jack as I think all three men woke up with a little headache Christmas morning. We really enjoyed spending Christmas Eve with everyone and we hope to get everyone together again before Christmas Eve!!!
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Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm finally about to get some teeth!

Luke is the king of drool lately. I took him to see the doctor on Friday to make sure that he only had a cold and nothing more serious. We were concerned his tubes were blocked. Other than a little cold, everything looked good. His doctore pointed out though that he has two teeth just beneath the gum that are about to bust through and that we should expect a little fussiness and a ton of drool. Well, we are getting both! A little Orajel goes a long way though!
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Breakfast and gift exchange with the Webers

This kids exchanged gifts this morning and obviously enjoyed their breakfast!
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Luke opens his first gift

He was more into eating the gift than opening it!
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Joshua and his ladies at school

This is Joshua's girlfriend, Alexandria - also known as Alex.

This is Miss Kat, Joshua's favorite teacher. She is the best! She has really motivated Joshua to eat better and has made learning fun for him. He's enjoying her class and comes home practically every day excited to tell us about what he's learned and the new things he ate at lunch.
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The Boys and Mr. Claus

The boys enjoying their holiday party and Santa
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Are we having fun yet?

This picture cracks me up. This is after the program and the kids are running around and acting W-I-L-D. The sugar from the party has definitely kicked in! Jon (Tim's Dad) looks like he's bored to tears and Kevin's yawn gives his feelings away. And then in the background, another father (I think that's a Dad...) is yawning too. I think it's only the Moms who love to attend these things and get really into them.
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Who is Ellen?

From time to time, I mention Tim, Jon, Ellen and Matt. A lot of times the kids are in the pictures and there are no parents. And a lot of the time I mention how Ellen took the pics that I posted. Well... this is Ellen!!! Joshua's BFF's mom and my good friend!
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The Holiday Program

Joshua singing at his holiday program. This year he played a special role and announced the program to the audience. He said, "Welcome to the holiday program." We were so proud of him - he did a fabulous job!
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We received two boxes the other day and one was a gift for Luke. Joshua thought the second box was for him and was extremely upset when he discovered it was for his Daddy - two very nice bottles of wine from his broker. So, we opened up a gift under the tree to restore peace and order back at the Milman household.

Luke is mobile and now knows that there are cool things under the tree. Here he is scoping out his next chewing object and then making contact. He tries to chew the ribbons. We're not sure who is worse, Luke or the cats!
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