Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas - 2007
This is a picture of the tree before the tsunami, I mean Joshua, hit. The blue presents are from Santa to Joshua and the green are for Luke and then there are some from our family too. All four of us must have been really good this year b/c we all received super cool and useful gifts. From a Fudge and See's candy, Hermes tie, gift certificate to the Braves, and toys for the boys to a much needed black sweater, matching outfits for the boys and beautiful jewelry - the Milmans did well this year. More importantly though, we spent a lot of time with family and that's what the holidays are all about, okay Jesus too. Speaking of Jesus, Joshua went "shopping" for us while we were at the Christmas program at the Wright's church some time ago. They had teens helping the kids pick out gifts for their parents and even wrapped them for the little kids. Well, Joshua bought me a sliver charm bracelett with bibles, churches, crosses, etc on it. I have my very own churchy bracelett now. Ellen got the biggest kick out of this as I did too! Is someone trying to send me a sign or something....